Kryptografen’s Christmas contest has already received several hundred participants. They have all stated their estimate of Bitcoin on New Year’s Eve. The price estimates vary by thousands of dollars, some are low and others bet high. At first glance, however, most are within a 10% movement of today’s course. We will take a closer look at the statistics tomorrow because today we will be hearing from those who have participated in the competition.

This year, they are bullish. Yet, they were even more optimistic when it came time to ask them what their price predictions for bitcoin would be in 1 full year. Read how O.V and Viktor think about bitcoin and the competition.

How did you reason about a price estimate in this competition?

O.V: Not other than the fact that the positivity and momentum now before the New Year has been emphasized.

Viktor: By assuming that the price will remain relatively stable, and a personal desire that it will increase slightly

What is important to you when participating in such competitions? Is it security, premium, that you are not spammed afterward?

O.V: Pure fun!

Viktor: Premier and that you are not spammed with emails from the organizer after the competition is over.

What is your price estimate for Bitcoin at the start of 2021? ie New Year’s Eve next year?

O.V: It’s impossible to predict, but keeping Trump boiling, so that Bitcoin may. Guessing $ 13,555.

Viktor: Much higher than now! Maybe $ 20,000

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